
Story Board.JPG

Plot it.

The storyboard for The Case of the Deadly Mummy shows the plot outline in the top half and character relationships and Eighties images in the bottom half. The fashion ad from the New Yorker (1986 - lower right) is for the owner of the story’s boutique design agency.

Story Board w JWJ.JPG

Track it.

The diagonal ribbons chart my progress in drafting the plot outline. The very top row are the three parts that happen in the Eighties. The row below shows the four parts that happen today when the Merriman Institute solves the murder in the Museum over thirty years ago.

Story Board Close Up.JPG

Tweak it.

I imported 250+ plot points from my notebook into Excel, coded each with historic date, chapter # and other info. I then sorted by chronology and chapter, and printed all on removable labels. Now, as I write each chapter, I can move these plot points around.